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Tabula Muris Data

This will generate the Tabulamuris data used.

The TabulaMurisData was of huge help here !

In [1]:
#> snapshotDate(): 2018-10-31

snapshotDate(): 2018-10-30
Loading required package: ggplot2

Attaching package: 'scater'

The following object is masked from 'package:S4Vectors':


The following object is masked from 'package:stats':


In [2]:
run_qc <- function(sce) {
  isSpike(sce, "ERCC") <- grepl("^ERCC", rownames(sce))
  sce <- calculateQCMetrics(sce)

  # Identify outliers, but without using the mouse as a batch
  libsize.drop <- isOutlier(sce$total_counts, nmads=3, type="lower", log=TRUE)
  feature.drop <- isOutlier(sce$total_features_by_counts, nmads=3, type="lower", log=TRUE)
  spike.drop <- isOutlier(sce$pct_counts_ERCC, nmads=3, type="higher")
  keep <- !(libsize.drop | feature.drop | spike.drop)
  sce <- sce[,keep]

  num.cells <- nexprs(sce, byrow=TRUE)
  to.keep <- num.cells > 0
  sce <- sce[to.keep,]

In [3]:
eh <- ExperimentHub()
#> snapshotDate(): 2018-10-31
query(eh, "TabulaMurisData")

snapshotDate(): 2018-10-30
ExperimentHub with 2 records
# snapshotDate(): 2018-10-30 
# $dataprovider: Tabula Muris Consortium
# $species: Mus musculus
# $rdataclass: SingleCellExperiment
# additional mcols(): taxonomyid, genome, description,
#   coordinate_1_based, maintainer, rdatadateadded, preparerclass, tags,
#   rdatapath, sourceurl, sourcetype 
# retrieve records with, e.g., 'object[["EH1617"]]' 

  EH1617 | TabulaMurisDroplet  
  EH1618 | TabulaMurisSmartSeq2

In [4]:
sce <- eh[["EH1618"]]
sce <- sce[, sce$tissue == 'Skin' |
    sce$tissue == 'Large_Intestine' |
    sce$tissue == 'Spleen' |
    sce$tissue == 'Brain_Myeloid']

sce <- run_qc(sce)

see ?TabulaMurisData and browseVignettes('TabulaMurisData') for documentation
downloading 0 resources
loading from cache 

In [5]:
sce$label <- sce$tissue
sce$subtissue[$subtissue)] <- 'None'
sce$cell_ontology_class[$cell_ontology_class)] <- 'None'                              
sce$cell_ontology_id[$cell_ontology_id)] <- 'None'                                    
sce$free_annotation[$free_annotation)] <- 'None'                                      
sce$FACS_selection[$FACS_selection)] <- 'None' 
write.csv(as.matrix(counts(sce)), 'tm_tissue_mix.12k.counts.csv')
write.csv(colData(sce), 'tm_tissue_mix.12k.metadata.csv')
write.csv(rowData(sce), 'tm_tissue_mix.12k.featuredata.csv')
saveRDS(sce, paste('cell_mix/tm_tissue_mix.12k', 'rds', sep='.'))

In [6]:

class: SingleCellExperiment 
dim: 22872 12081 
assays(1): counts
rownames(22872): 0610005C13Rik 0610007C21Rik ... Zzef1 Zzz3
rowData names(10): ID Symbol ... total_counts log10_total_counts
colnames(12081): A1.B000126.3_39_F.1.1 A1.B000826.3_39_F.1.1 ...
  P9.MAA001869.3_38_F.1.1 P9.MAA001871.3_39_F.1.1
colData names(48): cell plate_barcode ...
  pct_counts_in_top_500_features_ERCC label
spikeNames(1): ERCC

In [46]:
dat <- as.Seurat(sce, counts='counts', data='counts')
dat <- NormalizeData(dat)
dat <- FindVariableFeatures(dat)
all.genes <- rownames(dat)
dat <- ScaleData(dat, features = all.genes)
dat <- RunPCA(dat)

Centering and scaling data matrix
PC_ 1 
Positive:  Lgals4, Cldn7, Epcam, Krt8, Tspan1, Cldn3, Tspan8, Krt19, Tmem45b, Elf3 
	   Muc13, Ceacam1, 2210415F13Rik, Oit1, Pigr, Slc44a4, Car2, Phgr1, Ckmt1, Ethe1 
	   B4galnt2, Mgst3, Krt18, Gale, 9130017N09Rik, Tsc22d1, Cdhr5, Guca2a, Klk1, Gmds 
Negative:  Csf1r, Cx3cr1, Olfml3, Rac2, Itgam, Rab3il1, Mpeg1, Lrrc3, Hvcn1, Pros1 
	   Fgd2, Il10ra, Gna15, Cd52, Tbxas1, Stab1, Slc29a3, Nckap1l, Ccr5, Abca9 
	   Ets1, Il21r, Havcr2, Sash3, Lyz2, Slc7a8, Cd33, Slc11a1, Cd300a, C3ar1 
PC_ 2 
Positive:  Csf1r, Cx3cr1, Olfml3, Rac2, Ceacam1, Cd52, Plac8, Itgam, Hvcn1, Lgals4 
	   Rab3il1, Mpeg1, Krt8, Cldn3, Cldn7, Cnp, Tspan1, Il10ra, Fgd2, 2210415F13Rik 
	   Muc13, Lrrc3, Krt19, Sash3, Tmem45b, Lsp1, Tbxas1, Nckap1l, Phgr1, Pglyrp1 
Negative:  Lgals7, Krt5, Trim29, Krt15, Anxa8, Dmkn, Col17a1, Hspb1, Crip2, Perp 
	   Apoe, Anxa1, 1190003J15Rik, Serpinb5, Ptrf, Tgfbi, Ecm1, Mt2, Cxcl14, Sfn 
	   Aqp3, Anxa2, Gsn, Cav1, Gata3, Mt1, Ptn, Krt14, Sbsn, Ccl27a 
PC_ 3 
Positive:  Ptprcap, Cd79a, Ltb, H2-Aa, Il2rg, H2-Eb1, H2-Ab1, Cd74, Cd52, Ms4a1 
	   H2-DMb2, Faim3, Cd19, Cd79b, Sell, Sp100, Cd2, Ly6d, Napsa, Cnn2 
	   Ppp1r16b, Tbc1d10c, Gimap6, Gimap4, Gimap3, Tnfrsf13c, Dusp2, Blk, Ccr7, Lsp1 
Negative:  Cx3cr1, Csf1r, Olfml3, Itgam, Rab3il1, Lrrc3, Pros1, Mpeg1, Tbxas1, Stab1 
	   Abca9, Slc29a3, Slc7a8, Ccr5, Gna15, Havcr2, Cd33, 1500010J02Rik, Slc11a1, Plod1 
	   C3ar1, Emr1, 9830001H06Rik, Cd300a, Abhd15, Lyz2, C5ar1, 1700017B05Rik, Slc46a1, Tspan4 
PC_ 4 
Positive:  Agr2, Spink4, Hpd, Atp2c2, Gm1123, Hepacam2, Slc12a8, Spdef, Tpsg1, Creb3l4 
	   Atoh1, Ern2, Bace2, Qsox1, Pdia5, Ccl6, 1810030J14Rik, Gpr20, Nupr1, Hgfac 
	   Reg4, Bcas1, Sval1, Ramp1, Cd177, Lrrc26, Rep15, Best2, Klk1, Ceacam10 
Negative:  Cyp2c55, 1810065E05Rik, Ces2e, Car1, Ces2c, Prss30, Krt20, Mep1a, 2200002D01Rik, Sectm1b 
	   Ces2a, Mgat4c, 1110032A04Rik, Cyp3a13, Dpep1, Tmigd1, Car4, Slc26a3, Mettl7b, Osta 
	   Aldh1a1, Slc13a2, Cyp2c65, Fabp2, Fa2h, Hsd3b3, Sult1b1, Ceacam20, Mal, Cdhr2 
PC_ 5 
Positive:  Clec2h, Rep15, Gm1123, Tpsg1, Ramp1, Sval1, Hpd, Lrrc26, Hgfac, Krt20 
	   Bcas1, Hepacam2, Atp2c2, Spink4, Fhl1, Cgref1, Spdef, Best2, Ccl6, Gpr20 
	   1810030J14Rik, Zg16, Clca3, Atoh1, Guca2a, Mxd1, Saa1, Tff3, Slc12a8, Clps 
Negative:  Stmn1, Ccna2, Birc5, Cdca3, Ube2c, Ccnb2, Sult1a1, Mgst1, Clca4, Cdc20 
	   Top2a, Cdk1, Kcne3, Ccnb1, Mki67, Gstm3, Pbk, Gpx2, Aadac, Aldob 
	   Kif22, Racgap1, Cenpf, Aurkb, Ugt2b5, Kif20a, Hao2, Cenpa, Fads2, Gsta4 

In [47]:
DimPlot(dat, reduction = 'pca', = 'tissue')

In [10]:
DimPlot(subset(dat, subset = tissue == 'Thymus' | tissue == 'Spleen'), reduction = 'pca', = 'cell_ontology_class')

In [16]:
DimPlot(subset(dat, subset = tissue == 'Thymus' | tissue == 'Spleen'), reduction = 'pca', = 'tissue')

In [11]:
DimPlot(subset(dat, subset = tissue == 'Skin' | tissue == 'Tongue'), reduction = 'pca', = 'cell_ontology_class')

In [15]:
DimPlot(subset(dat, subset = tissue == 'Skin' | tissue == 'Tongue'), reduction = 'pca', = 'tissue')

In [48]:
dat <- RunUMAP(dat, dims=1:10)

In [49]:
DimPlot(dat, reduction = 'umap', = 'tissue')

In [20]:
DimPlot(subset(dat, subset = tissue == 'Skin' | tissue == 'Tongue'), reduction = 'umap', = 'cell_ontology_class')

In [24]:
DimPlot(subset(dat, subset = tissue == 'Skin' | tissue == 'Tongue'), reduction = 'umap', = 'tissue')

In [25]:
DimPlot(subset(dat, subset = tissue == 'Spleen' | tissue == 'Thymus'), reduction = 'umap', = 'cell_ontology_class')

In [44]:

In [50]:

In [5]:
sce$tissue <- as.factor(sce$tissue)
